The Frozen Taro will be peeled, cleaned, cut in haft and frozen. Frozen Taro Haft Cut is packed in 500g or 1kg per bag. Expiry date of Frozen Taro are 2 years if they are stored at -18 degrees Celsius

About Taro

Taro tubers provide starch, protein, fiber, potassium, vitamins for the body, help fight against aging agents, increase eyesight, enhance resistance, laxative, prevent bases diseases such as kidney, cardiovascular, joint, lymphoma, diabetes … Taro also helps us control body weight (weight loss), improve intestinal movement.

Taro is easy to grow, can be grown all year round, the schedule is similar to the winter-spring crop around January to February and harvested from May to June;

In Vietnam, Taro are grown in the Mekong Delta, the Red River Delta and the Central Highlands provinces

Process of Frozen Taro Half Cut

Taro are washed by machine
The potatoes are removed and washed with a vegetable washing machine, then they are transferred to the preliminary processing area.
taro peeled
Taro tubers are peeled , remove damaged parts then they are washed with clean water many time.
taro half cut
Taro tubers are pickup according to customers’ requirements, then they are cut in half and waiting for freezing
frozen taro half cut
They are frozen at -40 to -35 degrees Celsius and freezing time must be ensured so that they freeze completely.
Frozen Taro half cut Packed
Frozen Taro half cut are packed in 500g (2 half of taro tubes)

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